[84] Items in [13] Categories
Updated 2021.03.02nd[v5]
Your Fortune Cookie:
Purpose for today: 42

[art, online galleries]=[02 entries]
[art, web presentations]=[03 entries]
[comics, active]=[26 entries]
[comics, archived]=[47 entries]
[comics, indexed]=[03 entries]
[communities]=[04 entries]
[games]=[03 entries]
[miscellania]=[05 entries]
[news, fiction/humor]=[04 entries]
[news, non-fiction]=[04 entries]
[online radio stations]=[05 entries]
[personal sites]=[05 entries]
[quotations]=[03 entries]

[?][00 entries ]

[^] comics, active
- ButterSafe
- Chaos Life
- College Roommates From Hell [Infrequent Updates]
- Devil's Panties, The
- Diesel Sweeties
- Doghouse Diaries, The
- Find Chaos
- Girl Genius
- Least I could Do
- Miamaska
- Oglaf [NSFW]
- Penny Arcade
- Questionable Content
- Real Life Comics
- Rock, Paper, Cynic
- Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
- Scary-Go-Round
- Something Positive
- Three Panel Soul
- Three Word Phrase
- V.G. Cats [Infrequent Updates]
- Virtual Shackles
- Virus Comix
- Wapsi Square

[^] comics, archived
- 8-bit Theater [Completed]
- 10K Commotion, The [Completed]
- Absurd Notions
- Billy the Dunce [Stalled]
- Blip [Stalled]
- Bobbins [Completed]
- Broodhollow [Stalled]
- Chainsaw Suit [Stalled]
- Completely Serious Comics [Completed]
- Chugworth Academy
- Comet 7 [Completed]
- Copper [Stalled]
- Dominic Deegan [Completed]
- GG Guys [Infrequent Updates]
- Goats [Stalled]
- Gothic Elf
- In the Puddle
- Instant Classic
- It's Walky [Completed]
- Katamari [Disappeared]
- Lead Salad
- Losers
- Mac Hall [Completed]
- Machine Flower [Stalled]
- Mega Tokyo [Infrequent Updates]
- Menage A 3 [Completed]
- Neko the Kitty
- NekoBox
- Octopus Pie [Completed]
- Otaku No Yen
- Parking Lot Is Full, The [Completed]
- Perry Bible Fellowship [Completed]
- Pictures for Sad Children [Completed]
- Queen of Wands [Completed]
- Red Zone
- Return To Sender
- Road Waffles
- Rob and Elliot [Stalled]
- Sinfest [Anti-Trans Bullshit]
- Softer World, A [Completed]
- Snowflakes
- Starslip [Completed]
- Strings of Fate
- Stuff Sucks
- Vicious Whispers
When I Am King [Completed]
- World Like My Own, A

[^] comics, indexed
- Belfry
- Big Panda
- Keenspot

[^] art, multimedia web presentations
[Most Require Flash 4, or higher]
- Aleart
- songsofacorporation
- Typorganism

[^] art, online galleries
- Red Crescent
- ShockArt, Gallery of The Web Art Movement

[^] news, fiction/humor
- The Onion
- Satire Wire [Archived]
- Something Awful
- Xalton Prime

[^] news, non-fiction
- /.
- IP Konfig
- Virtual Hideout
- w3 0wnz j00

[^] communities
- Gesder Gaming
- Mad Mecha [Mech Madness: Another Age]
- Over-Clocked (OC) Remixes
- Zanpo Virtual City

[^] online radio stations
- [Listen] GamingFM Consoles, Modern 24k
- [Listen] ormgas 56KBits/second
- [Listen] Radio K
- [Listen] SomaFM: Secret Agent 56k
- [Listen] Warped Radio

[^] miscellania
- Babblica
- Emerald Sanctuary
- LabARC Studios
- Lego Avatar-izer
- Warped Communications

[^] quotations
- Bash
- G.T.
- In Passing...

[^] personal sites, listed by owner
- Arienna
- Digiwano
- empurium
- Icculus
- Illuzionz

[^] games
- Addicting Games
- Legend of the Green Leupak
- World's Smallest Pacman

[^] LIN directory help

What is the purpose of The LIN Directory?
This page was created by Ikasatu Kirasawa, as a simple way to keep up-to-date with his favorite comics, communities, and activities.

From there, it expanded to include items, which people of (even vaguely) similar interests might find entertaining or appealing.

How does it work?
If you wish to go to a specific category, and browse its contents, you need only locate it in the LIN Directory Index, located at the top of the page.

Clicking on the embedded "entries" link will take you directly to the specific category to which it, and its similarly named anchor, are attached.

Each anchored category heading is marked with an "[^]", which takes you back to the Index located at the top of the page.

Can you recommend a browsing method, once I've found an interesting category?
I've found it especially handy, while browsing web comics, to locate the anchored "comics, active" category heading, and click the top link.

Having done so, I will start at the present day's comic, and click on the link to the previous day's, until I see one with which I am familiar.

Pressing the key, or combination of keys, which returns me to the page I visited last, or simply by pressing the back button, I am able to read the comics I have missed, in order. Having read up to the present day, I use Back to return to this page.

Once I have examined the complete contents of that category, I may click [^] to go back up to the Index, or I might close my browser, and go make myself a delicious sandwich.

What, in your opinion, is the best sandwich to make, should a LIN user choose the latter option?
Two slices of seven-grain or wheat bread, held apart by a thick mass of thinly sliced roast beef, with
mustard, lettuce,a single slice of gouda, a dab mayonnaise,
and a thick spread layer of peanut butter. For best flavor, butter one slice of bread, on the interior plane (as oriented by its location in reference to the sandwhich).


You may click here if you wish to use Official "Agent Orange" or "Kirasawa" banners when you link to Ikasatu.com!

Yet, in spite of this, you don't seem excited.

All contents © Copyrighted


